Episode 8 with Mercy Lewis We have an intriguing chat with Mercy Lewis, a multi-talented musician and producer of The High Council Band and the Marshall Law Band. We dive into the themes of loving detachment during the creative process and how duality plays a role in our in our everyday lives. Mercy also shares some of the projects he has been working on and what it has been like. Join us as we dive into the creative flow and chat with Mercy about who knows what and how we can benefit from it. Creatives Chat is an introspective talk show with Peter Lucas and Rusty Hill that features a broad spectrum of insight from Mercy. PODCAST PLAYER Episode 58 Pt 1 at Emerald Spiral Expo https://creativeschat.com/podcast-player/1036/episode-58-part-1.mp3 JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP VISIT OUR SPOTIFY CHANNEL SUBCRIBE TO OUR RUMBLE CHANNEL SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL SHARING IS CARING